So Coke Studio India launched a while ago and although I was very excited to see what it brought, my first impression is of disappointment. The first thing that comes across is the sound quality, it seems a bit harsh on the ears and a bit too loud. Next is the selection of songs, whilst Bollywood was going to be a part I was expecting to see more folk/traditional songs to be covered. The singers featured are very good as was known before this show yet the song selections have left a lot to be yearned for. The mix of contemporary with the classic which Coke Studio Pakistan brought about seems to be missing and in a way that may be one of the biggest cause of my disappointment as I wanted to see a different show from the rest of the singing reality shows being dished out. I wanted to feel the music from the parts of the country I have not yet discovered not listen to Sunidhi singing Bichua. I wanted to hear the sitar playing along with the bass guitars and not just the overpowering beats of the drums. I wanted to hear the serene voices of the artist not the screaming over the loud music depicting a contest between the singer and the music rather than complimenting each other. I expected to see the hidden talents and not just the famous ones.
I guess its still the start and hopefully the producers along with Leslie Lewis will start reading some of the feedback left on the Youtube channels and at least start with improving the sound of music. Here's hoping to improvement for a series which was supposed to be different than the rest.
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